New Illinois Laws Ban Planting of Invasive Species

A number of new laws recently went into affect in Illinois, with the turning of the year.  The Exotic Weed Act (SB 681/PA 99-0081) adds more than 17 plant types to Illinois Exotic Weed Act, which includes bush honeysuckle, autumn olive, salt cedar, poison hemlock,...

RC&D Honored at 2013 ISAM Awards

Earlier this month, Shawnee RC&D was chosen as the recipient of the “Professional Organization” award for Illinois Invasive Species Awareness Month (ISAM) annual awards.  Shawnee RC&D was recognized for outstanding work in the field of invasive...

2012 ISAM Awards

2012 ISAM Award Winners L to R Cindy Kellogg (representing Frederick Law Olmsted Society), Connor Shaw (representing Possibility Place Nursery), Glenn Seeber (representing Shawnee RC&D), and Alice Brandon. Jim Herkert (far right) from IDNR presented the...